You are invited to hear how the Fresno4Biz partnership can connect our business communities with the tools needed to increase productivity, lower costs, and keep you competitive in the market, all at no cost to you! Get assistance for your company, tips to expand your business, layoff aversion/transition strategies, and everything in-between. Click Here To […]
When coaching and training aren’t enough to turn an employee’s performance around then supervisors need to step in and take prompt and decisive action. Janet Keene with Sierra HR Partners will provide hands-on practices for correcting problems in ways that positively influence future behavior, avoid guilt and punishment tactics, and minimize costly wrongful terminations. Click Here To […]
Shurtone Lee with Sierra HR Partners will conduct a workshop developed with employment law attorneys, that meets all AB 1825 requirements, including AB 2053's amendment covering abusive conduct/bullying, and SB 396's requirements related to Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexual Orientation. The workshop will also incorporate interactive harassment examples based on actual workplace situations. Click Here To […]