Join us to hear about the 2018 successes of Fresno State and upcoming projects for the new school year. Doors open 7:30 a.m. Copper River Country Club 2140 E. Clubhouse Drive Fresno, CA 93730 Event Fee: $15.00 REGISTER TODAY 559-222-8705 5 29 19 Breakfast Meeting Flyer
New Employment Laws for 2019
Lisa Horton and David Litman from Sagaser, Watkins & Wieland PC will present on new Employment Laws for 2019. Click Here To Register
QuickBooks Seminar
Hear from SCORE Expert, Steve Ocheltree, CPA, the importance of an accounting system relevant to every day survival for small business. Educational Seminar Overview: · Understanding how important an accounting system is to your business · Overcoming the Fear of a computerized accounting system · On screen view of what QuickBooks looks likes and how […]
Reach Customers Online with Google Workshop
Learn how customers find your business online and how to promote your online presence using a free business list, search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and online advertising. We will present some tools that can help, such as Google Analytics and Google Trends. In this workshop, we will discuss the best practices for: Create a free […]
New Business Orientation
These recurring classes are designed for new business owners. The CDTFA staff will be available to answer your sales and use tax questions as they relate to your business/industry. To register for this event, visit:
Why Does Chinatown Matter?
Who is in Chinatown? What makes Chinatown important? When will Chinatown become relevant to Fresno? Why are you here? Community Meeting: Tuesday, June 11 5:30pm - 6:30pm Dick's Building 1526 Kern Street 559.859.1763
Workplace Violence Prevention Seminar
Clovis Community College Herndon Campus 390 B West Fir Avenue, Room 308, Clovis, CAA special half-day seminar presented by the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board - Business Services Center The need for workplace violence prevention training has never been greater. Brenda Budke, Executive Director, at Sierra HR Partners, Les Van Meter, Retired Deputy IV, and Daniel Cervantes, Retired Sergeant with the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office will be presenting prevention techniques […]
Una nueva ley (S.B. 1343) en el estado de California require quo un empleador/negocio con al menos 5 o mas enipleados obtenga un entrenamiento sobre la prevencian de acoso sexual, incluyendo supervisores, antes del 1 de enero de 2020. Esta usted preparado? Downtown Business Hub 1444 Fulton St. Fresno, CA 93721 Cada participante recibira tin certificado […]
Basic Sales and Use Tax Class for Used Car Dealers
This class will provide a basic overview of sales and use taxes. The CDTFA staff will be able to answer your questions as they relate to your business/industry. To register for this event, visit:
Bootcamp for your Business Mentoring Business Roundtable
The Bootcamp Mentoring Business Roundtable will help you: Grow your business network.
Discuss topics that matter to you. (wrongful termination)
Get feedback and helpful advice. (workers comp.)
Learn of upcoming events.
Connect with other community partners Each Bootcamp for your Business Roundtable focuses on topics that are important to you […]