Basic Principles of Leadership

Today's new leadership role requires more than setting goals and giving orders. Effective leaders must empower employees through clarifying the common vision, tapping into an employee's self-motivation, and encouraging creativity and initiative from all staff members. Join us, and learn practical and proactive  strategies to enhance your leadership effectiveness!

Business Etiquette & Professionalism

This 2-hour workshop will provide participants with key behaviors to enhance their professionalism, demonstrate respect for coworkers, and project a positive workplace image.

Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce

This NO COST webinar seeks to inform you on how to help our multi-generational workforce work together in harmony; as well as how to retain time-tested talent, and at the same time, attract employees that will carry us into the future.


Customer Service Excellence

This NO COST webinar helps managers and employees identify both internal and external customers, explores customer's expectations, and understands how to use the "language of partnership" to build trust. Participants will also learn about working with difficult customers and how to handle complaints while preserving the customer relationship.

Hiring in a Tight Labor Market

With heightened competition for qualified candidates in the job market, it’s even more important to invest your interviewing time in a process that works.  Finding the right match will also help reduce the turnover associated with ‘job hopping’ in today’s post-Pandemic labor pool.


Avoiding Burnout

Learn about strategies you can use to improve your response to sources of stress


Effective Mentoring

Learn strategies to effective mentoring for your organization

Managing Leaves of Absence

This webinar will help you to better understand the laws and eligibility concerning leaves of absence


Don’t Get Burned by Summertime Events!

The summer season is almost upon us, and many employers look forward to planning events such as barbeques and water park trips. These outings provide excellent opportunities to reward employees, socialize with families and enjoy time away from the normal pressures of the office..but as a Manager or HR professional, this is not the time […]