Hiring Your First Employee
Free Workshop Free Parking on R Street Facilitators Hear from SCORE Subject Matter Experts; Ali Nekumanesh, Business Owner, Consultant, Tom Jones, Business Owner, CPA. For more information or to register, please contact: Central Valley SCORE https://centralvalley.score.org 559-487-5606
Common Wage and Hour Mistakes
Amanda Kjar and Karen Gill attorneys with Sagaser, Watkins & Wieland PC Law Group will go over how to keep up-to-date with the constantly changing wage and hours regulations. Paystub Requirements Meals & Rest Periods Overtime Off-Clock Work Compensable Time Bonus or Incentive Payments Vacation Pay Recordkeeping Registration is open at: www.fresnobsc.com
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Are you talkative or quiet? Do you need a lot of details or just the big picture? Robin Paggi with Worklogic HR will go over these topics: Why you might not get along with others and strategies to solve this. Understand why some personalities drive you crazy. Find out how your personality style might cause problems […]
Develop a Financial Capabilities Program for Older Adults
Delivered as a train-the-trainer on-site model, the training is based on the Money Smart for Older Adults curriculum developed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the FDIC.The curriculum will prepare your organization to educate older adults on how to protect themselves from: Scams Financial identity theft Medical identity theft Scams targeting homeowners Scams targeting […]
Background Investigation Updates in CA
Janet Keene and Daniel Larson with Sierra HR Partners will go over Background Investigation Updates in California. Registration is open at: www.fresnobsc.com
Behavioral Based Interviewing / Effective Recruiting & Hiring
Janet Keene with Sierra HR Partners will provide participants with skills for reducing the high cost of turnover. Participants will learn: The value of behavior-based interviewing. How to structure interview questions for effectiveness and consistency. How to avoid legal pitfalls associated with poor interviewing techniques. Registration is open soon at www.fresnobsc.com
State Payroll Tax Workshop
Business Services Center 7475 N. Palm Ave, #105 Fresno, CA 93711 Reservations are recommended. Please call 1-866-873-6083 or 1-888-745-3886 or visit the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Tax_Seminars/ to register.
How to Keep “Jolly” in Holiday Parties
Janet Keene with Sierra HR Partners will go over ways to keep jolly in holiday parties. Registration will open soon at www.fresnobsc.com
Central Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum
NOVEMBER 15, 2017 Clovis Veterans Memorial District For the first time ever, the Central Valley Venture Forum and Central Valley Stock Exchange are coming together to create the Central Valley Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum, the largest event for innovation and entrepreneurship in the Central Valley. The event is scheduled from 11:00 a.m. to 8 p.m. […]
Webinar: Capital to Start and Grow your Business
REGISTER AND MORE INFO: For more information visit http://www.accesspluscapital.com/event/access-plus-capital-start-grow-business/ or call 559.263.1351. DETAILS: Learn about the steps to take to get the capital you need through this educational webinar featuring Jeremy Hofer, Access Plus Capital’s Director of Operations. Access Plus Capital (formerly Fresno CDFI) provides financing, training, and asset development services for low- and moderate-income entrepreneurs. Our loan programs […]