Employee Handbooks – Sink or Swim

Craig Strong with the California Employers Association will provide an informative presentation on employee handbooks. Registration will open soon at: www.fresnobsc.com

Behavior-Based Interviewing: How to Hire Right the First Time

Daniel Larson with Sierra HR Partners will provide participants with skills for reducing the high cost of turnover.  Participants will learn: The value of behavior-based interviewing. How to structure interview questions for effectiveness and consistency. How to avoid legal pitfalls associated with poor interviewing techniques Registration is open at: www.fresnobsc.com

Identity Theft: Protecting Your Business, Protecting Your Family

Mark Ritter with New Millennium, and Michael Listopad with Algorithm Systems, will go over practical steps to avoid identity theft, and how to prevent it from happening. Topics include: Learn what identity theft (fraud) is and its different forms. Understand how it happens. Learn how to minimize risk in business and in personal life. Registration […]

EDD – Unemployment Siminar

Business Services Center 7475 N. Palm Ave, #105 Fresno, CA 93711 Reservations are recommended.  Please call 1-866-873-6083 or 1-888-745-3886 or visit the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Tax_Seminars/ to register

Hiring for Success (Recruiting)

Craig Strong with the California Employers Association will look at the “real” cost of losing an employee to your business, and what should be done to insure that you are “Hiring for Success.”  Topics include: Determine What You Need Advertise Your Job Screen Applications Conduct A Successful Interview Make A Successful Job Offer Registration is […]